Letting go of anger and pride Question:Â “How can you let go of such things like anger or pride? I have such a hard time becoming...
Letting go of anger Question: “I have been trying to become a more enlightened person; but I am finding it hard when it...
Practicing Patience Question: “hi i have a question 🙂 im currently reading “the power of now” and i must say its...
Do you have to be Buddhist to practice meditation? Question: “Sorry if I sound horribly uneducated but, do you have to be a Buddhist to practice meditation and...
When does one consider themselves to be a Buddhist? Question: “When does one consider themselves to be a Buddhist? I consider myself to be a Buddhist but do...
If someone asks me what Buddhism is what should I say? Question: “If someone asks me what Buddhism is what should I say?” The question What is Buddhism? is unfortunately one of...
What to do with false information Question: “I feel a little hurt about someone who I ended up caring for. We were dating for only...
How do I stop cursing? Question: “I’ve been a Buddhist for almost a year now but I have a problem with cursing. I meditate...
Being in uncomfortable situations Question: “As I continue to read more into Buddhism my life has been opening up in every way but...
Failing at Mindfulness Question: “Ever since my buddhist journey I’ve been practicing to be very mindful of all my thoughts & actions....