What to do with false information

Question: “I feel a little hurt about someone who I ended up caring for. We were dating for only 6 months but unfortunately false information was given to her about me & now she wants nothing to do with me, we found each other in some sugar daddy sites. I have tried reaching out via text trying to get to the bottom of it & apologizing for all whatever it is because I’m clueless. I really did care about her & she completely cut me off. I feel bad about it & been really just trying to meditate & calm my soul w it. Would love sound advice? Namaste.”

A similar topic was actually discussed yesterday at my temple. The answer? Be courageous. Sometimes situations or issues get worse the more we try to take control over them. The best thing to do is do nothing. It is true you might have not done anything wrong, and whether this information is true or false is no different to the “victim.” The only thing they will see is you denying the truth, regardless of who is right or wrong.

A Buddhist person doesn’t waste time or energy trying to clear their name of any false accusations. Because a Buddhist person is the only person that knows themselves more than anyone else, so whether you did something or not, the truth will always be with you. If this person knew you, really knew you, and if you’ve been practicing the Buddhist path, following an ethical lifestyle, practicing and sharing loving-kindness and compassion, then this truth will always shine through any falsehood that might be used against you.

If a person has any doubts whatsoever about your loyalty, no matter how little or dumb, any information “confirming” that doubt will automatically turn into a major ordeal. So it’s up to you to live a life that portrays to people that you are not a person of dishonesty, disloyalty, or any bad habits, so if something negative or untrue was said about you, no one would believe it.

Do nothing. Show people that you know the truth. The more you go after it, the more people are going to assume you’re trying to cover your tracks and cover up the “truth.” Courage and self-confidence will get you through it. Meditate on it and practice it, and people will see that beauty and light.

Smile and be well!


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