Abusive parents and living with compassion Question: “I know that in Buddhism, parents are to be highly respected because they are our first Dharma teachers in...
Letting go of anger Question: “I just started studying Buddhism about a year ago. I’m a middle aged man and I’ve been through a...
Being expected to do the same as others Question: “I have been studying Buddhism for about 3 years now and I’m a senior in high school. I’m not...
Depression and compassion for ourselves Question: “I’m studying Buddhism but I’m extremely depressed. I was sexually abused as a child and raped. I’ve had issues...
Compassion for all beings Question: “My passion for life and all beings increases daily; Although I do see this as a blessing, I...
Dealing with negativity and staying positive Question: “I am starting to practice Buddhism. Someone in my family is very close to me, but they always seem...
Letting go of anger and pride Question: “How can you let go of such things like anger or pride? I have such a hard time becoming...
Dealing with aggressive and negative people Question: I still have a few years of school and studying left to do and, I’m really attracted to the...
Having inner peace Question: “I wouldn’t really consider myself a Buddhist since I just started practicing it 4 weeks ago. But ever...
What is a hungry ghost? Question: “I’ve been reading your book! It’s been very helpful so far – I’m really enjoying it! Can you...