Being expected to do the same as others

Question: “I have been studying Buddhism for about 3 years now and I’m a senior in high school. I’m not as humble in school, all my friends talk badly at least a little bit and expect me to go along but I never do – everyone thinks I’m weird.”

What’s wrong with being weird? Normal is boring if you ask me. I wish my study of Buddhism was more serious in high school, but high school is really not the time to be self-exploring and figuring out who we are – that good stuff is for college! If it wasn’t for college and the route it took me towards Buddhism, I would of seriously became a leader of a Pagan coven or something.

Anyway, high school is obviously that time of trying to fit it and not sticking out too much, which is fine, but we also want to be ourselves. Sometimes that’s hard, sometimes that’s easy, and sometimes we just have to meet somewhere in the middle by being ourselves without drawing too much attention.

A lot of my friends are sarcastic assholes, because I’m a sarcastic asshole (in charming, hilarious way), so sometimes really mean and uncomfortable things are said and I know there are times and things I shouldn’t respond to because it crosses my line of being funny-mean to “okay, I’m gonna get major karma points taken away if I respond!” So I just laugh it off and say something to change the subject or reflect it to something else. And that’s really all you can do in those situations.

People learn by example. So the more you calm yourself in stressful or uncomfortable situations, the more they will notice the change in you and react appropriately and hopefully in your favor. We must have understanding and compassion for everyone, including ourselves, when we’re trying to change and reflect a new life.


Smile and be well!


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