Depression and compassion for ourselves

Question: “I’m studying Buddhism but I’m extremely depressed. I was sexually abused as a child and raped. I’ve had issues with suicide and self harm and as much as I try to approach these things well and have compassion for myself I just can’t What should I do?”

Meditate. There are many scientific studies out that prove the wonders of a regular meditation practice and what it can do for those suffering with depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, migraines, pain, etc. Compassion and forgiveness towards ourselves can only be accomplished when there is acceptance. We can try to love and forgive ourselves all we want, but until we actually accept ourselves, true happiness cannot take over.

Of course, acceptance is a lot easier said than done, but with a regular meditation practice we can dig deeper into our own mind and issues to find the real problem behind the superficial problems we have. Every human being is a gorgeous individual. We are blessed to be human with the capacity to think, analyze, solve and conclude our thoughts and experiences.

Everyone goes through horrible life events, some more than others, but everyone has equally shared a moment of horror, whether it be the death of a family member, a natural disaster, or more mundane things like losing our house and possessions. You are not alone. Do not feel like you are alone.

Sit. Relax. Meditate. Contemplate on your issues and accept them. Without acceptance you can’t move forward. With acceptance you will be able to see things clearer, brighter and more beautiful, and love and compassion will be as natural as breathing air.

You are beautiful with a beautiful life. Stand in front of a mirror in a Superman pose (legs spread and hands in a fist on your hips) and say, “I am freakin awesome!” for two minutes. That’s a power pose everyone should do!


Smile and be well!


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