What’s your opinion on raising your children as Buddhist if they choose to follow the teachings of Buddha like I have?

Question: “What’s your opinion on raising your children as Buddhist if they choose to follow the teachings of Buddha like I have?”

I think your opinion is all that matters. But I will say this: I know two separate parents that are raising their kids as “Buddhists.” However, they’re using Buddha as a deity-like figure so they won’t “different” or “left out” from all the other kids that have a “god religion.” That is utterly unacceptable and downright incorrect! Clearly those parents need to educate themselves a little more.

I think if your kids are under 18, or under an age of somewhat maturity and don’t yet have a real understanding or comprehension of religion or spirituality, then you shouldn’t teach them “Buddha taught this, Buddha said that.” Instead, raise them as a Buddhist would live; with compassion for all beings, loving-kindness towards strangers and those we dislike, appreciative joy (being joyful for the success of others), generosity, etc. The practices of a Buddhist and not necessarily the philosophy. Yet.

Once they are old enough to understand and comprehend, introduce them to some more of the philosophy side of Buddhism starting with the four noble truths, eightfold path, concentration, karma, etc. As they get older and wiser, bring in new and more elaborate topics. Or give them books to read.

But I would avoid mentioning Buddha directly or any philosophical stuff until they are old enough to choose their own spiritual path.

Smile and be well!


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