The “other woman” and adultery

Question: “Ive been an eager student for a few months now. I began Studying fairly casually this past September (21014) and now belong to a Sangha. We infrequently discuss sexual misconduct/immorality. My Shi always makes the point that it usually revolves around Adultery, or rape. In the case of Adultery, what does the Buddhist Philosophy teach about being “the other woman/man” in the adulterous act? and I understand it’s “situational”, depending on if they know or not. What’re your thoughts?”

To my knowledge, I don’t think Buddhism says anything about “the other woman/man.” I think anything said about this would come from teachers.

I guess if you don’t know, then you don’t have the power/control to stop the act from happening, you can’t make that moral or immoral decision, so your karma would be neutral. If you did know, then of course that’s a whole other story and your karma would be negative.

Smile and be well!


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