What is Buddhism? “What is Buddhism?” is actually a difficult question to answer. Depending on who you ask, where they’re from, what...
Can you help explain Devas? Question: “Can you help explain Devas? The concept sounds way too angelic and folklor-ey for Buddhism to me.” Oh my...
Is Karma used to perpetuate oppression? Question: “I am a strong believer in Buddhist moral philosophy, but I often struggle with the idea of Karma...
Secular Buddhism Question: “I am secular. I agree with the Buddhas philosophy, but mind cant really jump onto the bandwagon of...
Karma: Good things to bad people Question: “Why do bad things happen to good people if what you put into the universe, you get back? Does...
What do you think would be a good way to explain death to a child, from a Buddhist perspective? Question: “What do you think would be a good way to explain death to a child, from a Buddhist perspective?”...
Karma and Destiny Question: “Does destiny exist? And what is the real meaning of this world? Because if karma exist then destiny...
Lying and avoiding hurting people’s feelings Question: “In a Sutta I read it said the Buddha would only say things to people if it were true...
Correcting bad karma Question: “I’ve made a lot mistakes in my 21 year old life. Yeh try say it’s young but I’ve done...