Self and Rebirth Questions: “How rebirth takes place? What is the connection between the present annihilation of body and future rebirth? What...
Knowledge and Liberation Question: “Can knowledge only liberate? I like reading books on spirituality, buddhism and other philosophical subject. But still i...
Outcasted and the ego Question: “When i’m in a small group of people and I try to add to the conversation, I sometimes...
Aspiring to be a Bodhisattva in a family life Question: “Being in a family life, taking care of family can still someone aspire to become a boddhisattva. Family...
Debt and Karma Question: “I have accumulated much debt. I have always had a non-material outlook, but recently it has intensified. I...
Ullambana Today my temple celebrated Ullambana, also known as ‘Ancestor’s Day,’ or ‘ Filial Piety Day.’ It’s a celebration of...
Detachment Question: “Detachment said is much easier than to practise. Kindly could you guide how to practise it.” Detachment is...
Past and Present Karma Question: “If i don’t know what wrong karma i did in my previous lives then how can i correct...
Question about Karma Question: “I am really stuck on the concept of Karma? Could you please help me figure out what the actual...
Living the path to Enlightenment Question: “hi there! I’ve been looking into fully practicing Buddhism for quite awhile, but I feel as though there is...