What is the best way to find my path to enlightenment? Question: “What is the best way to find my path to enlightenment?” By not looking for it. Enlightenment is...
I’m afraid to tell my parents I’m Buddhist. Can non-Buddhists go to temple? Question: “I really really want to be a Buddhist, but I’m too afraid to tell my parents. I’m afraid they’ll...
The different kinds of Buddhists If we really had to point it out, we can say that there are six “kinds” of Buddhists. Some...
Is there a certain way to meditate? Question: “Hi I have a question about meditation, I am just beginning to have an interest in Buddhism and...
Drugs and Buddhism Question: “If Buddha says we should not believe anything even if he has said it, we should find out...
Are Buddhist Pacifists or can I defend myself? Question: “I know that when people hurt you emotionally you should learn to sympathize and control that anger and...
Buddhist Prayer Prayer comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms, and it’s part of every major religion’s practices. But prayer in...
Benefits of Prayer Beads Question: “I recently received a set of prayer beads. I use them as instructed…chanting a mantra for each bead....
Love and Attachment Question: “Goodnight, I recall reading something on your blog where somebody asked about love, you said it was an...
I do Buddhist practices, can I consider myself a Buddhist? Question: “Do you find it wrong that I consider myself Buddhist, even though I have never been to a...