Who’s Who in Buddhism: Amitabha Buddha

Sanskrit: Amitabha अमिताभ Chinese: Āmítuófó 阿彌陀佛 Tibetan: od dpag med (Ö-pa-me) འོད་དཔག་མེད་ Japanese: Amida Butsu 阿弥陀仏 Vietnamese: A-di-đà Phật Korean: A-mi-ta Bul 아미타불 Amitabha Buddha, Buddha of Infinite...

Buddhism on Suicide

Question: “Today my brother experienced something horrible. His roommate of 25 yrs old committed suicide & my brother found...

The Amitabha Sutra

Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Amitābha Buddha Homage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Vast Assembly of the Lotus...

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