Rebirth and Karma

Question: Would our next rebirth be influenced by Buddhist changes we have made in this life? For example, if we did not achieve enlightenment but we began the journey, would this be eraised from our conciousness in our next life, until we begin all over again? Sorry if this sounds ignorant, I am a beginner. Thank you!

A simple answer: No! We are where we are today because of the Karma of our past lives. And it’s our Karma in this life that determines how good or bad our next life will be. Until we become Enlightened, our and all our past and future lives will share, use, gain, and lose the same good or bad Karma.

Because you’re on a Buddhist path now, you’re already gaining good Karma. You’re earning “points” for a better life in your next life, and several lives after that. Karma works on a cause-and-effect basis and typically has three classifications: 1) immediate effective Karma, karma that affects you in this life; 2) Subsequently effective Karma, karma that affects your next life; and 3) Indefinitely effective Karma, karma that affects the lives after your next life.

Because we don’t know when we’ll be become Enlightened; this life, the next, or in another hundred or thousand lives, as long as we live an ethical, compassionate, and moral life, we’re closer to Enlightenment!

Read this post about Karma. It has a more detailed explanation of Karma and its effects. Hope this helps!


Smile and be well!


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