I’ve read that Buddhist don’t believe in the soul?
True. This article might help a bit. I thought it was quite interesting.
To think of a “soul” is to assume that this one being, this one body that we have is the one and only, that we are just born and die, and nothing ever happens again and our soul either goes to heaven or hell. But in Buddhism, there’s the teaching of non-self (anatman), the absence of this thing we call “I” or “me” that is permanent and never changing. However, in reality, we are very much impermanent and ever changing, literally from a molecular level, our body is constantly changing, adapting, healing and destroying.
So because there is no “self” that technically dies and just vanishes, in Buddhism we come across another term, “Buddha Nature.” Buddha nature refers to the “true self,” the consciousness that goes through the cycle of birth and death that is capable of attaining enlightenment until it finally reaches it. Our true self is our Buddha nature, our true form, or literally whatever you want to call it – it is our “finish line” to become a Buddha.
Smile and be well!