Dealing with negative people, spreading lies and rumors

Question: “How do you deal with negative people? I had a ‘friend’ who treated me very badly – used me, manipulated and bullied me. Eventually i managed to get away, but now she is spreading rumours about me and telling people lies. How should I deal with such a person?”

The only and best way to deal with negative people is with love and kindness. People who are intentionally negative or rude due so because they seek attention and want a reaction from people. So the best thing to do is to not react. Instead, if they say or do something negative or mean, simply smile at them and you can say something like “It’s okay. I know you are a good person deep down but you may be going through a difficult time now. I wish you happiness and freedom from your suffering.”

It might take a few tries of that, but eventually that person will realize that what they are doing does not affect you in the way they are wanting and they will stop. Or even better, realize that what they’re doing is harmful.

Negative actions and negative reactions does not create a positive outcome. Some people need more love and kindness than others, so it might take a while for them to truly see their harm doing.

Even if someone was spreading lies and rumors, if you continue to react with love and kindness, people will see that and not believe the lies and rumors about you.

Smile and be well!


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