Buddhism and Christianity (or any other religion) Many visitors in the West that go to Buddhist temples are in fact not Buddhists. It’s the simple curiosity of...
Why we meditate in Buddhism Through meditation we can do wonderful things. We can overcome our ignorance, delusions, greed, anger, hatred, jealousy, and depression,...
Buddhist Meditation Contrary to popular belief, meditation isn’t just about sitting crossed-legged, placing our hands on our knees with finger and...
What is Buddhism? “What is Buddhism?” is actually a difficult question to answer. Depending on who you ask, where they’re from, what...
Beginning Buddhism Just like writing a paper, making a list, or cleaning, it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. Beginning...
Can you help explain Devas? Question: “Can you help explain Devas? The concept sounds way too angelic and folklor-ey for Buddhism to me.” Oh my...
Is Karma used to perpetuate oppression? Question: “I am a strong believer in Buddhist moral philosophy, but I often struggle with the idea of Karma...
Do Buddhists believe in God? No, we do not. There are several reasons for this. The Buddha, like modern sociologists and psychologists, believed that...
Secular Buddhism Question: “I am secular. I agree with the Buddhas philosophy, but mind cant really jump onto the bandwagon of...
How do you think buddhism has impacted/changed the world in a positive way? Question: “How do you think buddhism has impacted/changed the world in a positive way?” Good question! Well… There’s really no...