Can I convince myself to believe in reincarnation? Question: “How can I convince myself to believe in reincarnation? I want to believe but I’ve never believed in...
What’s your opinion on raising your children as Buddhist if they choose to follow the teachings of Buddha like I have? Question: “What’s your opinion on raising your children as Buddhist if they choose to follow the teachings of Buddha...
I’ve been meditating for quite sometime now, but how do I develop my meditation? How do I progress? Question: “I am doing meditation for quite sometime now. Every day iĀ meditateĀ for 10-15mins. But still i have not felt...
I’ve been raised Christian but connected more with Buddhism. Where and how do I start learning? Question: “I’ve been raised in a Christian household my entire life but I never connected. I’ve stopped going to...
Should I devote myself to one form of Buddhism? Question: “Should I devote myself to one form of Buddhism (ex Tibetan Buddhism) or can I just read Buddhist...
Can I refer to myself as buddhist if I don’t believe in reincarnation but I still live my life by Buddha’s teachings? And also is it considered a religion or a philosophy? Question: “Can I refer to myself as buddhist if I don’t believe in reincarnation but I still live my...
What does Buddhism say about being a homosexual? and gay marriage? Question: “What does Buddhism say about being a homosexual? and gay marriage?” Buddhism says nothing about homosexuality and gay...
I’m practicing Buddhism, should I still be Christian? Question: “I’m 16 and I was born catholic. I don’t believe it though. Recently I have practiced buddhism, meditation...
How to learn more about Buddhism Question: “i am 15 and found buddhism helpful, i do not meditate regularly, i don’t even know everything about...
When does one consider themselves to be a Buddhist? Question: “When does one consider themselves to be a Buddhist? I consider myself to be a Buddhist but do...