I’m trying to find my inner peace but I just can’t seem to find it. What would be the best way to find it? Question: “I’m trying to find my inner peace but I just can’t seem to find it… What would be...
The Six Paramitas (Perfections) The Paramitas (perfections) are a guide for the Mahayana Buddhist. They are virtues to be cultivated to strengthen our...
What do you think would be a good way to explain death to a child, from a Buddhist perspective? Question: “What do you think would be a good way to explain death to a child, from a Buddhist perspective?”...
Living a normal, modern life and practicing Buddhism Question: “I want to reach bodhi but I don’t want to isolate myself from modern life i.e friends not necessarily...
My foot falls asleep and my back hurts during meditation Question: “How long do you meditate? I have this problem that my foot falls asleep or my back starts to...
If meditation makes me sleepy, does that mean I am doing it wrong? Question: “If meditation makes me sleepy, does that mean I am doing it wrong?” No. Almost every beginner will feel...
How to deal with regret? Question: “In a Buddhist context how to deal with regret?” In the simplest way I can put it: Get over...
The many images of Buddha Question: “I don’t understand why are there so many images of Buddha when I google it, are all of them...
You talk of rebirth like you know it definitely happens, what proof have you got? Question: “You talk of rebirth like you know it definitely happens, what proof have you got?” What proof do you...
Non-attachment and impermanence Question: “I have read that in order to be truly connected to self or universe, is to let go of...