Killing Bugs

Question: “How does buddhism feel about paracites? my son has head lice and ridding him of them would mean killing them. but i cant leave him with them.”

There are going to be certain times where certain actions are going to be necessary. At my temple once when we were repainting the building, we came across several hornet’s nest. The nun is very allergic to them, so we had no choice but to rid them before anyone got hurt. So there’s the exception: if something is going to be a danger to someone, then it’s “okay” to so something about it.

Whenever I come across a bug or any parasite that I have to kill I’ll always say, “I’m sorry, may you be reborn in a better life” and chant “Namo Amitabha Buddha” ten times. You can then later repent during your chanting or meditation session for killing for the sake of your child’s health and well being.

Smile and be well!


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