I’ve been raised Christian but connected more with Buddhism. Where and how do I start learning?

Question: “I’ve been raised in a Christian household my entire life but I never connected. I’ve stopped going to church for a few months bc I feel like there’s nothing there for me; there never was. I’ve been looking into Buddhism. I’ve been reading what the teachings are and the difference between it and Christianity. I’m still confused since I’m used to the “Christian nature” but I’m excited that I’m learning more about Buddhism & actually can connect. I just don’t know where to start and how… Help?”

I’m glad your connecting with Buddhism. As you learn, grow, and understand, you’ll see that Buddhism and Christianity have very similar teachings about love, compassion, respect, non-discrimination, etc.

I’ll ask you to start where I tell everyone to start. To read The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh. It is literally THE best Buddhism 101 book on the shelves! Anything from Thich Nhat Hanh is purely amazing and you can never go wrong. After you get done with some of his books, pick a book or two by Pema Chodron. I suggest The Places That Scare You.

Otherwise, read, read, and read!! That’s all you can do. If you have a temple near by that gives Dharma talks/services, I suggest giving them a visit. You can learn so much on your own, but you can learn so much more at a temple with like-minded people.

If you want to learn meditation, then of course I’m going to have to suggest my very own book, Making Friends With Our Mind. Or the eBook.

Smile and be well!


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