How can I absorb everything I read?

Question: “Hi, I’ve been studying Buddhism for a few months now. Not as consistent as I’ve wanted to… I’m actually reading “The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching” by Thich Nhat Hanh. Great book! My question. I feel as if when I read the book, I don’t absorb everything. How should I go about this?”

Does anyone really absorb anything the first time read it? They must be geniuses if they do! Every book I’ve ever read about Buddhism, I’ve read a minimum of 3 times. Buddhist philosophy, psychology and general teachings are so profound, it’s impossible to truly understand and comprehend the meaning with reading it only once.

Monastics read their tradition’s main sutras thousands of times just so they can get a glimpse of the insight it provides! So not being able to absorb anything on the first time is a good thing, because that means you need to read it over and over again. If someone said, “Oh yeah, I totally understood everything I just read,” then they are arrogant and ignorant, and has probably understood the superficial meaning of what they read, which is not getting them any closer to enlightenment.

So just take it slow and steady. If you try to rush, then you might as well just stop everything, because rushing is equivalent to doing nothing at all. I’ve read “The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching” at least 10 times and I still go back and reference it on several occasions.

Smile and be well!


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