Compassion for all beings

Question: “My passion for life and all beings increases daily; Although I do see this as a blessing, I become infuriated when others don’t have the same love for life as I do. I see animal abuse and my heart aches. I try to bring awareness to the cruelties, but no one seems to bat an eye.. I understand we all don’t have the same levels of awareness but I feel incredibly alone sometimes in my beliefs and I easily become unmotivated and depressed. How can I feel better?”

I’m right there with you, sister. I refuse to watch or listen to anything that involves human or animal cruelty. A lot of people are just absolutely horrible human beings and cannot fathom that other living beings also have emotions of love, anger, sadness and pain.

Unfortunately there is nothing we can really do to end it. We can try and do our best to lessen the cruelty, but the suffering will never end. And for us ordinary people, the impact we can make is very little unless we have a famous/popular voice to lead the campaign. So the only thing we can do is help do our best by saving those we can save in any way we can.

Watching funny animal videos always makes me smile and laugh and it reminds me that even though the world is full of suffering and cruelty, there is still so much love and happiness around us, and we have to choose to see and believe that. We can’t deny what’s happening in the world, but we can’t dwell on it either. We must do the most we can to help by volunteering, participating in organizations and meetings, etc., but we can’t let others’ negativity influence our own positivity and motivation to help ourselves and others.


Smile and be well!


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