When does one consider themselves to be a Buddhist?

Question: “When does one consider themselves to be a Buddhist? I consider myself to be a Buddhist but do not meditate regularly so I do not completely follow the eightfold path. However I find moments of meditation just like the Buddha for instance I sit outside and absorb the energy of the rain whenever possible. I’m only 16 yet I feel that my soul has been through many bodies so far.”

If you have to ask or wonder whether or not you’re Buddhist, then you’re probably not. I’m going to assume because you’re so young you have no idea what Buddhism really is. Buddhism isn’t about meditation or sitting outside and absorbing energy. It takes years of study and practice before you can consider yourself a “Buddhist.”

In 3-5 years or so when you’ve done enough studying, you’ll realize and understand that Buddhism is beyond labels and ideas. There is no Buddhist or non-Buddhist, male or female, black or white, gay or straight, animal or person, there is only being; our consciousness that goes from form to form until liberation is attained. And when that is understood, then you’ll discover that Buddhism has no concept of “soul.”

You feel like your “soul” has been through many bodies, because it has! Millions of them probably! It took the Buddha 8,000 lives before attaining enlightenment in a time where distraction and temptation were far, far less than what we have today, so you can imagine the myriad of obstacles we face today and how long it would take us to overcome it to simply reach the first step towards liberation.

Buddhism is not ALL about meditation, but it is an essential practice, along with the eightfold path. That, with the practice of compassion, generosity, loving-kindness, and wisdom, then, maybe then, you can call yourself a Buddhist.

Smile and be well!


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